In the
interest of keeping the residents of the City of Mobridge
and the general public best informed about registered sex
offenders with the most current information possible, the
Mobridge Police Department has decided to cease
maintaining a department sex offender registry. Instead,
you will find a link below to the State of South Dakota
Online Sex Offender Registry database. The state registry
is maintained by the South Dakota Division of Criminal
Investigation and provides the most up-to-date information
on sex offenders registered in the State of South Dakota.
To search the
state database for registrants in the Mobridge area,
select MOBRIDGE from the drop down list of cities on the
Text Search page. If you would like to search the database
for registrants specifically within the City of Mobridge,
select MOBRIDGE from the drop down list of cities and
WALWORTH from the drop down list of counties on the Text
Search page.
Using the Text
Search, you may search the database by location or
registrant name. Using the Map Search, you may view a map
showing the location of a registrant or registrants by
searching the name of a registrant or by choosing the city
or the county from their respective drop down lists on the
Map Search page. You may use a Neighborhood Search to find
all registrants within a selected radius of a specific
address you enter.
The South
Dakota Sex Offender Registry also allows the public to be
kept informed of changes with specific registrants via
email, such as when a registrant moves or changes listed
employment. To receive these notifications, go to the
Public Notifications page and create a user account.
To visit the
South Dakota Sex Offender Registry, go to, or click the banner below.